excursion to Pompeii and wine tasting, wine tour company, visit a vineyard,

Pompeii & Wine Tasting

Goldentours Sorrento

Pompeii & Wine Tasting - Tour Select

Pompeii & Wine Tasting - Tour Select

The first part of the excursion will be a walking tour of the archaeological site and in the second part of the day you will take part to a wine tasting and have lunch in a vinery near the Vesuvius.

Operating on the following days :


Price per person : € 99,00 - child 02/12 reduction 20%

The price includes :

  • Air Conditioned Coach.
  • Authorized Guide.
  • Includes light lunch and wine tasting.

Maximum 19 people.

Suggestions: Do not forget to wear comfortable shoes and take your passport.

Not included :  Entrance fees  ( € 15,00 per person).


Join us and visit one of the most important archaeological sites in the Campania Region, Pompeii. This is then followed by sampling the unique flavour of “Lachryma Christi” wine. Travel by air-conditioned coach, accompanied by an English speaking authorized guide.
Beginning with the walking tour of Pompeii, we will explore the amazing remains of this extraordinary city, immortalized by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
Pompeii is renowned all over the world for the exceptional relics, buildings and infrastructure of the site. It is so well-preserved because the city was buried under meters of ash and lava fragments. It enables visitors to have a glimpse of what it must have been like to have actually lived there.
After the walking tour, we will proceed to visit an enchanting property, found on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. A short walk through the vineyards will be followed by a delicious lunch made with typical products found in the region. To accompany the meal guests will be able to sample the famous Lachryma Christi wine.
In the afternoon, we return to Sorrento.

Includes light lunch and wine tasting.

Light lunch is: salami, cheese, season vegetable and other typical products with tasting of 3 wines Lachryma Christi white, red and rose.
Child will have fruit juice or coca cola instead.

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I campi contrassegnati da un asterisco (*) sono obbligatori

Data Escursionee*
Numero adulti*
Numero bambini ( 3 - 12)*
Numero infant ( 0 -2 )*
Nome Hotel o B&B *
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Justweb Srl GOLDENTOURS INTERNATIONAL Sede operativa: Via Degli Aranci 25/b - 80067 - Sorrento (NA) - Italy P.IVA 0125 086 12 16
Tel.: +39 081 878 10 42 - Fax: +39 081 807 17 45 - E-mail: luigi@goldentours.it

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