
Pompeii Herculaneum Select

Goldentours Sorrento

Pompei Ercolano Select

Price per person 110,00 €

The price includes :

  • Air Conditioned Coach.
  • Authorized Guide.
  • Select tour include a light lunch in a quieter restauran.


Entrance fees mot included.


You cannot miss the chance to join a full day excursion to discover the archaeological sites of Pompeii & Herculaneum.

Pompeii reses on a plateau of Vesuvian lava, overlooking the Sarno river valley.
The city was destroyed by the eruption of the Volcano Vesuvius in 79 AD, but the rests of the Roman civilization were rediscovered in the 16th century and the exploration begun in 1748 under the kingdom of Charles III of Burbon.
Thanks to the ash and lava, that petrified the city preserving all the “valley”, it’s still possible to admire the buildings that founded the city.
Our guide will walk with you through the maze of ancient Cardini and Decumani that link the most significant edifices of the city; the Forum that was the city’s main square, the Basilica dedicated to administering justice and for business negotiations, the Roman’s Villas, the Baths and much more…
The walk will last about 2 hours.
For lunch time, we will stop in a local restaurant to taste a delicious Neapolitan meal.
In the second part of the excursion you will visit Herculaneum.
The town was submerged under a torrent of mud and lava that hardened into a soft tufa (a kind of course rock) that preserved many of the wooden parts of houses and household objects which can be seen today in a perfect state of preservation.

A select tour, for a maximum of 19 passengers, guarantees a more dedicated service. You could ask to the guide more information and dispel any curiosity you may have.

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