
Napoli Full Day

Goldentours Sorrento

Napoli Full Day

New Excursion.

New Excursion.

Departure from your hotel to Naples.
Do not miss the opportunity to visit the beating heart of the Southern Italy’s tradition, with all its wonders and contradictions: Naples! The tour will lead you to the historical centre, starting from via Duomo for a comfort stop pass through San Lorenzo (San Gaetano Square) and the famous Christmas Alley of San Gregorio Armeno.
You will reach Spaccanapoli ( Via San Biagio dei Librari ) passing through San Domenico Maggiore near San Severo chapel with its masterpiece Veiled Christ and finally to arrive to Piazza del Gesù and visit of Santa Chiara and Gesù Nuovo.
Time at leisure and stop for lunch with a delicious pizza.
Panoramic tour of Naples by bus stopping for beautiful picture reaching Posillipo Hill.
In the afternoon walking tour with the monumental square of Piazza del Pleibiscito where you’ll have some free time at disposal to admire the outside of the Royal Palace, the San Carlo Opera, the Galleria Umberto I, Via Toledo, Piazza Trento e Trieste.
Enjoy a typical Neapolitan cake and coffee in the famous Bar Gambrinus
Depart from Naples to Sorrento.
Back to your hotel.

Operating on the following days :


Price: € 79,00 per person - Childre 2 / 12 € 63,00

The price includes:
Private transportation in small groups.
Lunch (pizza and soft drink included);
Professional Driver;
English speaking guide on board;
Snack (typical Neapolitan cake sfogliatella and coffee).

Suggested Visits (not included):
Santa Chiara cloister (6 €), The Veiled Christ (7 € ) Basilica San Lorenzo Maggiore ( 9 €)

Do not forget: Passport; Camera; Confortable shoes, knees and shoulders covered in the churches.
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I campi contrassegnati da un asterisco (*) sono obbligatori

Data Escursionee*
Numero adulti*
Numero bambini ( 3 - 12)*
Numero infant ( 0 -2 )*
Nome Hotel o B&B *
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