
Sorrento Cooking School

Goldentours Sorrento

Italian Cooking School

Price per person € 80,00

Cooking is a passion, an art a way to pamper our guest and satisfy our mind.
Everyone can cook, but only with a great teacher you can create unforgettable delights. Chef Carmen is one of the most talented chief cook of all the Peninsula; she is a trained Master Chef with many years of experience and passion. Her dishes will conquer your palate, and what’s more you could learn her secrets to share with your guest and your family in a moment of culinary enjoyment. The school was featured in the American Food Network’s “Recipe for Success”, as one of the most successful cooking vacation in the South of Italy and is considered to be a leader in the field of cooking vacations ! We have carefully designed different food experiences to meet all your needing; in fact the lesson is specially designed to assist you to quickly and easily learn our secrets to prepare an authentic Neapolitan meal. The class is hands-on, so you will be doing all the preparation, cooking alongside Chef Carmen in a comfortable and homely atmosphere. This intimate experience will create friendship, laughter, and what’s more important long lasting trip memories ! All the dishes are made only with the most genuine and fresh ingredients and we follow typical recipes that have been handed down for many generations. The Class lasts approximately 4 hours and is followed by either lunch or dinner based on the lesson’s subject.
Menù will be composed by:
- Appetizer and welcome prosecco cocktail
- Fresh pasta ( gnocchi or ravioli)
- Meat, fish or parmigiana for vegetarian guests
- Dessert

We will have a gluten free option as well as replacements for guests with allergies.

Please advise us and the Chef in case you need special meals, we will be more than happy to assist your requests !

Operating on the following days : every day on request.

Operating hours:

- If you choose the option with the LUNCH the lesson will begin at 9:00 a.m.

- If you choose the option eith the DINNER the lesson will begin at 3:00 p.m.

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Justweb Srl GOLDENTOURS INTERNATIONAL Sede operativa: Via Degli Aranci 25/b - 80067 - Sorrento (NA) - Italy P.IVA 0125 086 12 16
Tel.: +39 081 878 10 42 - Fax: +39 081 807 17 45 - E-mail:

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